Thursday, 9 December 2010

Thursday 9th of December

Hey guys, its just me again...

Had an amazing weekend, saturday night we had a very busy night at the cobblers restaurant, alaior was buzzing... we had the cala en porter dance club's christmas do.. what a fab night had by all... if you bare with me, I'm sure I've got some pictures somewhere... then on sunday we had a busy day, the english coming in to get their sunday roasts and we had a birthday party in... so it was all systems go and maybe a few tipples after work, we are living the dream after all.

Monday was bank holiday, the day of constitution I think, I must brush up on my spanish history but I'm sure its something to do with menorcians celebrating kings anyway we had a bit of a lazy day, the shops were shut so as the weather was pleasent we went for a stroll along the beach in Macerella, what a lovely day it was then home to a scrumptous bowl of chicken soup...
Tuesday was all hands on deck again, the shops have never seen so many people, I'm sure of it... we decorated the restaurant for christmas and even managed to fit in coronation street, it is there 50th anniversary after all talking of anniversaries, Tuesday was Paul Searles parents 53rd anniversary so many happy returns joyce and len.
Wednesday see another bank holiday, any day for a rest.. so we took our niece natasha, who is over here on holiday, who has also helped us out in the bar, gorgeous bar olivers in cala en porter, up to monte torro, it made for a great day out and it was nice to overlook the island... again I'll be sure to show you some pictures, after we went for a few light ales in the local town of es migjorn, was nice to stroll the cobbled streets with the sun shining, to top it off we went for menu del dia in  Moli d'es Raco in Es Mercadal, what a pleasent day had by all.
Now its thursday back to normal life and setting up the restaurant for the weekend...

lots of love all at

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